quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011

The sky is not the limit

Ok...i am not the creator but i swear that i think about it before knowing the great job of Christopher Kane.
I was thinking about NASA and the wonderful photos they show us and just thought that would be great to have t-shirts with those prints.
After a short research, appears Christopher Kane. Someone already has that idea. Congratulations.
By now on, i will definitely follow your work.

Ah...the last one is not from the same designer but as i love shoes i imagine that someone has also the same idea. Here they are.

quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011

Falling Ink

Today is all about Prada.
This season, 2 itens caught my attention.
Check it below:

It´s all about colour and creativity. I almost imagine how the footwear industry will react to this. :)
Love it! A little of this, add just a few of that and tchaaaaaaaaannnnnnnaa

quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2011

Misterious, secret and the most of the times ephemeral

What to say? This one make me laugh. Better than seing only the destructed wall.

I have to say that I love graffitis. I think they are the reason why i take my camera with me everyday. This kind of art is misterious, secret and the most of the times ephemeral.
I always remember the day that i expect to see a wonderful women in a dirty street but instead of that i see a white and boring wall. What a pity i don´t have my camera before....it´s gone but still in my imagination.

quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2011

I ♥ shoes, boots and shoes and boots


Love it!

segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2011

Addicted 2 Tatoos ...

... and brands of course. LoveBrands!

Loafers are back

Os loafers estão de volta.
Lembro-me de ter  comprado uns no inicio da decada de 90 que simplesmente adorava. É nestas alturas que gostava de ter 1 closet maior, que permitisse guardar tudo. Que jeitinho me davam agora. :))
Parece que vou ter de ir às compras.

quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2011

Missoni ♥ Havaianas

What a partnership!! Love it.
Missoni is an Italian fashion, famous for its unique knitwear, made from a variety of fabrics in colourful patterns and now loves the Brasilian giant Havaianas.